Weekend of April 9+10

District Blitz Conference for middle schoolers: register now
This conference is filled with guest speakers, games, and workshops to help students in grades 6-8 deepen their walk with Christ. April 15-17 in Duluth. Register at: https://fiveoaks.wufoo.com/forms/x1gq75nh1y2s0s2/.

April book club meets this week: Iscariot by Tosca Lee
Love to read and analyze literature? Join us as we discuss Iscariot by Tosca Lee on April 12, 6:45 pm here at Five Oaks in the Fireside Commons. For more info, please contact Dawn Goenner, go.dmge@gmail.com. We’d love to see you there.

Pray for our Bucharest Team
On Friday, April 15 our Bucharest team leaves for Romania to work at the Project-Ruth School for Roma (Gypsy) children.  Our team will teach classes, organize VBS activities, develop relationships, and help the children learn about Jesus Christ. Please pray that the hearts of the Roma children are made ready to hear the good news of the Gospel. Pray that God works in our team to have servant hearts and that we are equipped with the words and actions that help sow seeds of faith in these young ones.

Child dedication upcoming
Mark your calendars! We have child dedications coming up on May 7 & 8. If you are interested in having your child dedicated please email Rhiannon Rutledge at rrutledge@fiveoakschurch.org or write ‘child dedication’ on your communication card. Required dedication classes will be held April 17 during either of the morning services.


Project Serve mission trip for students entering grades 6-7
Rush Hour will be heading to Green Bay, WI with YouthWorks for Project Serve. We will be serving in many different settings during the week, along with Biblical programming in the evening for the students. Students will get a chance to serve others and create new friendships. July 31-Aug. 5. Cost: $315. Register at: https://fiveoaks.wufoo.com/forms/x71nj8t1gl2zy1/.

Students: Challenge registration briefly extended
Student Ministries wants to ensure that every interested student has the opportunity to attend this life-changing conference on July 3-9 in Louisville, KY. We are on the home stretch of registrations, so please solidify plans now. Your registration and $100 nonrefundable deposit are due no later than April 20. For more info, go to:  http://www.fiveoaks.church/news-and-updates/2016/challenge-2016-registration.


Silent Auction items requested
Five Oaks students are headed to the Challenge Conference in Louisville, KY in July. This conference can be pivotal in a student’s faith journey and in turn their growth as a disciple of Christ. A key part of fundraising for this trip is our annual Silent Auction, held on May 14/15 and May 21/22. If you have any items to donate to the Silent Auction, please contactTyler Sotebeer, tsotebeer@fiveoakschurch.org by May 1. Great donation ideas include gift cards, gift basket items,  a weekend at your cabin, professional services you can offer, unique experiences, etc. Thank you for helping our students get to Challenge!

FOUND: A treasure trove of memories!
If you know of anyone who may have left a photo album at the church, with pictures spanning from the 1950’s through the 1980’s, please contact the church office at office@fiveoakschurch.org. It was found a few weeks ago after the 11:00 service.

The Lost and Found...
...runneth over. If you or your family members are missing items such as keys, kids’ clothes, toys, water bottles, etc., please stop by Guest Services during the month of April to see if your lost items have actually been living here at Five Oaks. Any unclaimed items will be donated May 2. 


Save the Date
Global Leadership Summit (GLS) will take place on August 11 & 12. More info to come next week.

New member candidates

Daniel Lawrence
Gene Sheldon
Tammy Sheldon
Martha Young