As the Worship Team gathers

I want, I want, I want… I was just reading this to my wife, she said, “that’s a lot of ‘I wants’”……so yes, I might be acting a bit like a 4 year-old here….oh well, I’m just being honest…. :)


It’s 12:45 pm on a Saturday afternoon…the worship team is starting to show up for rehearsal…mics are being checked…guitars are being tuned….

I want there to be joy.  I want people, including myself, to be grateful that we get to do this…that it’s a privilege, not a right…I hope we’re joyful.

I want excellence. I expect it from myself and from each person on my team.  I wanna play the songs the best that we possibly can.  I want our brains to hurt by the time the rehearsal is done because we’ve been thinking and concentrating so much on what we’ve been doing…..excellence.

I want a pure heart…a pure heart in myself and in every person on that platform.  A heart that seeks Jesus.  A heart that wants to lead people to Him.  A pure heart….I want this above everything else. 

See ya this weekend. 
